Personality test


Jag sitter i soffan framför tv:n, och surfade runt lite på min telefon när jag hittade det här personlighets testet. Jag tänkte att det kunde vara kul att prova på och resultatet var så läskigt sant så jag var tvungen att skriva om det här på bloggen! Jag tror att alla som känner mig kan säga att beskrivningen nedanför är en rätt bra beskrivning av mig..

"You're a Seeker. You believe in living life to the fullest. You're curious and enthusiastic, with a bright spirit that is a real inspiration to your friends and family.

A sensitive soul with an expressive nature, you tend to be a romantic at heart. Sometimes you love nothing more than escaping into your very own dreamworld. Spontaneous new experiences can be inspiring to you, and you like exploring your creative side from time to time.

Right now, you're feeling on top of the world. Sometimes everything in life seems to click into place. But then with your positive mental attitude, it's no surprise that things are working out well for you.

When it comes to bringing positive change to your life, sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest difference. Giving your wardrobe a shake-up by treating yourself to a couple of nice new items can work wonders. Why not go shopping with a friend who can give a second opinion on what really makes you look your best?

It's important for you to remember to tap into your inner strength and to believe in yourself. Take on new challenges and stay stimulated so you remain enthusiastic and inspired by life. As a Seeker, you get excited by new ideas. You like adventure and original experiences that stimulate and challenge your status quo. Stay inspired with a rich mix of activities, and find time for hobbies that allow you to explore your creative side. Learn to recognise when you need variety in your life, and then incorporate it into your daily plans.

Nothing beats being out in the fresh air to make you feel centred and balanced. You understand the value of a change of scenery to reinvigorate you and remind you of what matters most in the world. Remember, it's not a luxury but a necessity, so allow yourself that special quiet time as regularly as you can."


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